Spotlight on Members

Spotlight on Members: Jimin You


I am hoteling from:

Centreville, Virginia.

What made you decide to hotel or stay on campus:

I started in August 2020, so everything was done virtually due to COVID-19.

Do you have any hobbies or activities that you are passionate about? Can you briefly share it with us?

I go through different phases with my hobbies/activities. Last year, I played a lot of spike ball and tennis. This year, I am trying to run more. But most of my time is spent taking cute pictures of my dog (Winnie) and taking him to parks and dog friendly restaurants.

Favorite book or movie:

All of the Marvel movies.

Favorite restaurant or food:

I love brunch! 

Favorite weekend activities:

Picking up food and taking my dog to Gravelly Point for a picnic, or exploring new bakeries and coffee shops.

Any new skillset you’ve picked up during this pandemic?

Running!! I used to hate running, but now I can run 2-3 miles without suffering too much.

What is your motto?

In every situation, there is always a lesson to be learned.

Anything else you want to share with KAIPO?

I hope to get to meet more of you guys in-person, soon!

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