Spotlight on Members

Spotlight on Members: Younhee Choi

Thank you Monica Shin for passing me the ball!

I am hoteling from:

Chantilly, VA

What made you decide to hotel or stay on campus:

COVID-19 :’(

Do you have any hobbies or activities that you are passionate about? Can you briefly share it with us?

I love traveling and trying local foods/restaurants! I cannot wait to resume traveling once the COVID-19 pandemic ends!

Favorite Movie:

The Dark Knight Rises

Favorite restaurant or food:

Singapore rice noodle, soup dumplings, and milk teas 😀

Favorite weekend activities:

Road trips

Any new skillset you’ve picked up during this pandemic?

Maybe cooking? lol

What is your motto?

Be happy, and be healthy!

Any words of encouragement you want to share with the members during the pandemic?

Stay safe, and be courteous to others 🙂

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Same here. Can’t wait to resume traveling!

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